Eric Fichtl


Thank you for visiting. This website features my photography and writing. Learn a bit more about me.

<p>A man thinks while drinking pulque, a traditional Mesoamerican indigenous drink made from the maguey plant.</p>

Here is a random sample of my photos. Visit my galleries for many more.

<p>Some buildings in the Kremlin compound feature bricks bearing the stamp of their manufacturer, Central something something something...</p>
<p>Weather-worn bricks decay on a building in Cottbus. <br /></p>
<p>A winch once used to pull fishing boats from the fjord.</p>
<p>The biggest party on earth, Rio de Janeiro's Carnaval converts the sprawling city into a festival of samba, smiles, and surreal spectacle for several days. So Bacchic are the festivities, it's hard to fathom that the Carnaval is rooted in Christian tradition. Here, thousands of revelers watch the famed samba schools in their endless and enormous procession through the purpose-built Sambódromo.<br /></p>
<p>A hillside of trees coated in snow just after sunrise.</p>
<p>A man in his boat in a Jakarta canal.</p>
<p>A lioness and her cub eye the photographer. </p>
<p>An opuntia cactus at Boka Grandi. </p>

A lot of what I write professionally carries no by-line. Here are some of the works I have put my name to.