Eric Fichtl
<p>A pair of hikers heading toward the Sas de Pütia / Peitlerkofel peak, visible during a brief clearing in the mists and clouds that were whipping around up there. </p>

Thanks for visiting. This website features my photography, writing, and a bit about me.


Here is a random sample of my photos. Visit my galleries for many more.

<p>Builders on a scaffold working on restorations in the Rock of Cashel complex.</p>
<p>A man bails out his boat after a sudden rain shower.</p>
<p>Hong Kong has the world's best skyline (and as a former Chicagoan and New Yorker I can say that). By night, the city's standout skyscrapers illuminate in a choreography of colour while thousands of flats add a galaxy of twinkling lights. Fast moving weather patterns and the faint outline of the Peak further enhance the scene. Here's just some of that mesmerising vista of Central shot from Kowloon.</p>
<p>A sculpture with an impassive gaze watches the world go by.</p>
<p>A farmer carries some of his harvest through terraced paddies.</p>
<p>A cook works the kitchen as an evening wears on.</p>
<p>Passengers descending into and ascending out of one of Moscow's very deep metro stations.</p>
<p>An alley in the twilight.</p>

A lot of what I write professionally carries no byline. Here are some of the works I have put my name to.