Eric Fichtl


Thank you for visiting. This website features my photography and writing. Learn a bit more about me.

<p>A man thinks while drinking pulque, a traditional Mesoamerican indigenous drink made from the maguey plant.</p>

Here is a random sample of my photos. Visit my galleries for many more.

<p>A gracefully dilapidated house still shows its charms.</p>
<p>Tiles in Marrakech form a perfectly imperfect herringbone pattern.</p>
<p>A momentary spotlight of sunshine illuminates the winding road out of Funningur.</p>
<p>A waterfall about a day's hike north of Upsete, in the Grånosmyrane reserve in central Norway.</p>
<p>These trees are shaped by the winds that come in off the Atlantic, as well as the sandy soil they took root in.</p>
<p>An opuntia cactus at Boka Grandi. </p>
<p>A storm front moves in over rice paddies near Ubud, on Bali. </p>
<p>Vegetable sellers set out their produce at the central market while a youngster waits to play. </p>

A lot of what I write professionally carries no by-line. Here are some of the works I have put my name to.