Eric Fichtl


A few details about the person behind this website.

I’m that guy in the picture.

I am an editor and a writer, with a background in publishing, journalism, websites, and design. I also love photography and am exploring my interest in filmmaking.

Spoiler alert: This site features some of my writing and photography.




My career has focused on supporting nonprofit organisations and social justice causes. I studied history and international affairs. I’ve resided in a number of places including Berlin, Bonn, New York, Hong Kong, Sofia, Buenos Aires, London, Chicago, and Geneva. I remain available for call-up to the Irish squad, should a deficient right-back be required (hint, hint).


  • Less-than-useful facts about me

  • First camera (ca. 1984)
    Kodak Disc 3500
  • First SLR (1998)
    Pentax ZX-M / MZ-M
  • Football leanings
    Country over club, come on Ireland!
    Member, Union Berlin (but Hertha-friendly).
    Co-owner, Lewes FC.
    Argentina over Brazil, Boca over River.
    Richard Dunne, si. Sergio Ramos, no.
    Allez les Écureuils!
  • Clock format
    24-hour clock, it's just clearer
  • Favourite food
    Might just be flautas de queso.
    Saag panir, arugula pizza, and fondue close seconds.
    I could survive on baguettes indefinitely.
  • Favourite element


El Equipo

A revealing new documentary from Bernardo Ruiz – visit the film's website and read my personal reflection on contributing to the production.

Statement of photographic authenticity

This website contains real photographs, taken by exposing light to either film or a digital sensor. Information about the camera used is provided with each photo. Some photos are retouched for contrast and colour adjustments, to remove dust and scratches from film scans, or to crop the dimensions.

There are no so-called Artificial Intelligence (AI)-generated images in my collection.

I value the process and experience of making photographs, and do not wish to devalue it by including text-prompted computer graphics derived from the unattributed cannibalisation of real photographers' works.

Note on the texts

The texts here come from work done around the world in different professional and academic settings, where I generally adhered to the prevailing local style. I don't deem it necessary to harmonise styles now.

I built this site using Craft CMS, based on the W3.css framework. Many thanks to Andrew Kelly of Anbod.io for his support.

This is a low-cookie website, using only two essential cookies that expire when you leave, and no external third-party cookies.

Icons are from Font Awesome under the CC BY 4.0 license and are hosted locally, not imported with scripting.

<p>A woman turns her back on the visitors clogging the steps of Macao's landmark Igreja de São Paulo ruins and the skyline of casino towers to capture her own take on the densely populated city.</p>
<p>A beautiful view of Guanajuato, from a rather perfectly placed bar, El Gallo Pitagórico. <br /></p><p>I'm still proud of this photo from my early days shooting a manual SLR – nailing the exposure with film in this sort of light was much trickier than with modern digital cameras.</p>
<p>Mother and pup sea lions (lobos marinos) rest on a rocky outcrop in the Beagle Channel, some kilometres offshore from Ushuaia.</p>
<p>A farmer tends to his terraced crops in central Timor-Leste's highlands. </p>


Years as a vegetarian
Countries visited
Fairtrade coffees per day
2 and 10+
Full and half marathons completed

You found my website. If you want to get in touch, feel free to use the form below.
Often in Berlin (not pictured)
Contact me via the form below

Always ready for and fairly responsive to messages. Be nice!