Eric Fichtl


Thank you for visiting. This website features my photography and writing. Learn a bit more about me.

<p>Fishermen sell their catch near the port in Sozopol, Bulgaria.</p>

Here is a random sample of my photos. Visit my galleries for many more.

<p>Pleasant details in London.<br /></p>
<p>A night scene in Bressanone / Brixen.</p>
<p>A mock road sign comments on U.S. gun culture.</p>
<p>A group of kids very amused to have their picture taken. <br /></p><p>Part of the graffiti reads 'Das dores boavida', which can translate as 'From pain, a good life'.<br /></p>
<p>Contrasting styles at the Chi Lin Nunnery, a Buddhist temple complex in Kowloon. <br /></p>
<p>A mural commemorating the disappeared victims of the 1976-1983 military dictatorship in Argentina. <br /></p>
<p>Attempts to deface the mural show the staying power of the country's reactionaries – between the 9 and 7 some fascist even scraped AAA, acronym of the Argentine Anticommunist Alliance, a far-right death squad that emerged in the late Perón years and murdered some 1100-1500 people. Argentina's post-dictatorship judiciary later found the AAA guilty of crimes against humanity.</p>
<p>A pair of hikers heading toward the Sas de Pütia / Peitlerkofel peak, visible during a brief clearing in the mists and clouds that were whipping around up there. </p>
<p>A stencil in Moscow.</p>

A lot of what I write professionally carries no by-line. Here are some of the works I have put my name to.