Eric Fichtl


Thank you for visiting. This website features my photography and writing. Learn a bit more about me.

<p>Fishermen sell their catch near the port in Sozopol, Bulgaria.</p>

Here is a random sample of my photos. Visit my galleries for many more.

<p>A cemetery in the mountains in Timor-Leste's west. The country's Roman Catholicism is a legacy of centuries of Portuguese colonial rule. </p>
<p>Designed by Viktor Andreyev (who also did the Hotel Cosmos just down the road), this 25-storey tower block dates from 1968 and is something of a Moscow landmark. The trees block the stilts that give it its unusual name, the House on Chicken Legs (Дом на ножках in Russian). </p>
<p>From a narrow trail, a view southward toward the Odle group of peaks and beyond.</p>
<p>A person enjoys the spectacular views over Cape Town and the ocean from atop Table Mountain. The sky was amazing that day.</p>
<p>Two soldiers guard a street corner in central Tame, a town in Colombia's war-ravaged Arauca department. Their presence was part of an attempt to hold the town after it was reclaimed from guerrillas. <br /></p><p>They are laughing at a joke my colleague made about the relative size of their weapons – indeed, the US M60 carried by the soldier at left is a hefty machine gun often fired by a team of two or three gunners, while the soldier at right carries a more standard-issue Galil, an Israeli derivative of the infamous Soviet/Russian AK-47. </p>
<p>A woman dashes toward the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a striking and strange Soviet take on post-modernism by architect Yuri Platonov.</p>
<p>A stark warning on a wall in Santiago: 'If the government is capitalist, we will be ungovernable'.</p>
<p>Seen along the Thames.<br /></p>

A lot of what I write professionally carries no by-line. Here are some of the works I have put my name to.