Eric Fichtl
<p>A not entirely reassuring sign in a snake pit at the Instituto Butantã, a research centre famed for its anti-venom work. The scale isn't evident, but these snakes were all more than a metre long. And for good measure, there was another pit for poisonous snakes nearby.</p> <p>A not entirely reassuring sign in a snake pit at the Instituto Butantã, a research centre famed for its anti-venom work. The scale isn't evident, but these snakes were all more than a metre long. And for good measure, there was another pit for poisonous snakes nearby.</p>
Non-poisonous snakes

A not entirely reassuring sign in a snake pit at the Instituto Butantã, a research centre famed for its anti-venom work. The scale isn't evident, but these snakes were all more than a metre long. And for good measure, there was another pit for poisonous snakes nearby.

São Paulo, Brazil
May 1998
Pentax IQ Zoom 120