Eric Fichtl


A fascinating and infinitely exuberant country, Mexico is a place I used to go with some frequency. Somehow life has conspired to make that trickier, but I hope to be back soon.

<p>A band of musicians performs in a churchyard in Puebla, Mexico.</p>
<p>A Poblana passes an old truck and graffiti promoting the centre-left PRD party.</p>
<p>A beautiful view of Guanajuato, from a rather perfectly placed bar, El Gallo Pitagórico. <br /></p><p>I'm still proud of this photo from my early days shooting a manual SLR – nailing the exposure with film in this sort of light was much trickier than with modern digital cameras.</p>
<p>A man thinks while drinking pulque, a traditional Mesoamerican indigenous drink made from the maguey plant.</p>
<p>Two Mexico City cobblers in their uniquely decorated workshop. <br /></p>